Build a new foundation and make the transition as healthy as possible for the whole family. No court necessary.

Parenting Plan

A parenting plan (or parent-negotiated agreement) is both a communication tool and a legal agreement for all your decisions about parenting in two separate households. Create a blueprint for raising healthy, well-adjusted children and minimize conflict with the help of a parenting mediator. Protect your children with a parenting plan.

What we help you resolve:

What exactly should be covered in our parenting plan?

It’s hard to know exactly and how much to insert with so much in flux at once. Yet, the more comprehensive your plan, the better you can anticipate what to do, protect your kids, and allow for greater communication between the two of you.

Our parenting mediator can help you identify all the issues to be resolved, including:

  • Where the children will live and strategies for making decisions regarding the children
  • Academics and activities that promote healthy social and emotional development
  • Making sure medical and special needs are addressed
  • Making sure the children spend time with both parents
  • Consistency on how the children are raised
  • How you will communicate with one another about these things

Learn about Parenting and Custody Mediation

How do we work out the terms of our parenting plan?

While some parents have figured out the most pressing issues together, very few communicate well enough or have the foresight to work through everything that could arise at such an unpredictable time.

Sit down with our parenting mediator to get things resolved:

  • Neutral partner and expert in bringing out the best in each parent
  • Keeps discussion centered on the children and meeting their needs

How do we use the parenting plan once it's final?

Not only a legal document, but your parenting plan is also a reference for how you will communicate together as your children’s parents going forward. You will want to review your agreement regularly until you get comfortable with your new arrangement.

We are available to guide you on:

  • How to interpret and refer to your plan
  • Connecting to a co-parenting counselor and other resources to help you implement and stick to the plan
  • Consistency between households

Learn about Parenting through Divorce

How our process works:

STEP 1: Hold an initial consultation with both of you to gain an in-depth understanding of what has been or still needs to be resolved.
STEP 2: Provide you both with a plan for resolution.
STEP 3: Conduct 1-2 parenting mediation sessions to work out all the terms of your parenting plan.
STEP 4: Draft the parenting plan and insert provisions that protect the children and respect both parents equally, all under the review of an attorney.
STEP 5: Make changes to the agreement prior to it being final, as needed.
STEP 6: Provide you each an original copy of a parenting plan, fully enforceable in a court of law.
STEP 7: Mediate and make changes to your plan as your circumstances change and your children grow


Need someone to sit down with both of you to work out a parenting plan?

Learn about Parenting and Custody Mediation