This is a 6 session group that is designed to support persons transitioning through a divorce or end of a relationship, as they learn to make sense of what happened, thrive in personal healing, and gain support from others navigating a similar journey.
Group starts Sept 21. Contact: Miriah Rutledge
King of Prussia, PA
(215) 280-2947 8612 Germantown Pike, 2nd Floor Chestnut Hill, PA 19118
Meetings: Call for information Contact: Kim Wilson, LCSW
(610) 810-2728 115 Pheasant Run, Suite 212 Newtown, PA 18940
Contact: Dr. Lee Picariello
(610) 458-9282 157 Little Conestoga Rd. Suite 3 Chester Springs, PA 19425
Meetings: Wednesdays, 6-7pm for 10 week session Contact: Rose Wagner
Women's Separation and Divorce Support Group
Learn coping skills and strategies to deal with the emotional struggles as well as process them by talking to other women going through similar experiences in a non-judgemental, empathetic space.
(610) 938-3071; Online
Meetings: Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm, Starting Jan 14th, running for 8 week
Contact: Rujuta Chincholkar-Mandelia, Ph.D., M.Ed
(610) 687-6391 Women's Resource Center 113 W. Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
Contact: Katey Moody
Counseling at Heritage 595 Bethlehem Pike, Suite 222 Montgomeryville PA 18936
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30pm Contact: Tina Paone, (215) 997-7772
(215) 997-7772 Ages 10-12 years. Children engage in structured, therapeutic discussions about how divorce impacts their lives and learn coping skills.
Counseling at Heritage 595 Bethlehem Pike, Suite 222 Montgomeryville PA 18936
Meetings: Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30pm (same time as Women's Group) Contact: Tina Paone
This group will support children who have parents that are in the process of becoming divorced or are already divorced. Children will be supported to express their emotions, process their experiences through creative modalities, gain peer support, and increase their coping skills. This group will also include support for behavioral and emotional adjustment to divorce, building self-esteem and age-appropriate techniques for communication.
Main Line Counseling & Wellness Center 600 Haverford Road, Suite 201, Haverford PA 19041
(610) 664-2524
Meetings: Thursdays from 4:30-5:30pm Contact: Sarah Domis, MS, LPC
This workshop specifically works with teens and young adults that are struggling in different areas of their lives, ranging from troubled relationships to acting out in their lives. It delves into different topics each night (like forgiveness, ways to deal powerfully with anger/sadness, etc) as well as group sharing. Any troubled teen is welcome to attend.
Varying Locations on the Main Line
(610) 529-5322
Meetings: 10 week program; Tuesdays or Thursday evenings; 1 hour long Contact: Marty Matika
Do you have a group that should be listed here?
The following support groups are affliated with DivorceCare , a nationally-recognized church initiative offering a 13-week support group and seminar on a wide range of topics around divorce recovery.
(610)688-6338 ext. 205 651 N. Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087
Meetings: Monday evenings; Fresh Start Separation and Divorce Recovery 2-Day Seminar, April and October Contact: Frank Comeau
(610)876-8725 723 S. Providence Road Wallingford, PA 19086
Meetings: Wednesdays at 7pm Contact: Tim Cowen, Pastor of Family Ministries
(610)356-4110 1 West Eagle Road Havertown, PA 19083
Meetings: Tuesdays at 7pm Contact: Reds & Anne Pierce, Facilitators
(215)969-1520 13500 Philmont Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116
Meetings: Mondays evenings at 7pm; additional program for children
(610)664-4880 205 Grayling Avenue Narberth, PA 19072
Meetings:Tuesday evenings; additional program for children. Contact: Dennis Gee, and Kate Layman,
(610)696-2663 490 W. Boot Road West Chester, PA 19380
Meetings: Tuesday evenings at 7pm Contact: Danielle Rossney, Director of Small Groups
(215)513-2292 100 Main Street Harleysville, PA 19438
Meetings: Mondays at 7pm Contact: Carol Kern
(610)269-3507 852 Hopewell Road Downingtown, PA 19335
Meetings:Thursdays at 6:30pm, additional program for children Contact: George & Debbie Robinson, Facilitators
Women's Conscious Uncoupling and Divorce Support Group
Location: Malvern, PA
Hosted by: Karen Costello
Main Line Men's Divorce Support Group
Meets: Malvern, PA
Hosted by: Karen Costello
Harrisburg Area:
D Club Support for Divorced Folks
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