Is divorce mediation right for you? 
Download our self assessment tool and find out.

This self assessment tool will help you quickly decide whether you should pursue mediation to resolve your separation or divorce.

Divorce mediation is a fair and peaceful resolution that will definitely save you a great deal of time and money. But is it right for your situation?

divorce_mediation_self_assessmenttake this assessessment:

  • 12 factors that will help you decide whether divorce mediation is the most suitable path for your situation and needs.
  • Choose from 7 next step(s) to consider based on your results.

Complete this form and take the self-assessment now. 

Separation and divorce can have long-term devastating effects on both you and your family without careful planning. Take a moment to re-focus and gain the clarity you will need moving forward.



About Main Line Family Law Center

Main Line Family Law Center offers affordable, quick, all-in-one solutions to separation, divorce and other related family issues by providing personalized, compassionate support and guidance in a calm, peaceful and non-adversarial environment.