The Healthy Divorce

A blogcast to help you find your way back to healthy and whole. 

Surviving the Holiday Season

'Tis the season to be...jolly? The holiday season is often the most difficult time of year for anyone going through divorce. How do you minimize emotional pain and...

Negotiating with Power

Negotiating financial terms is one of the most stressful parts of a divorce settlement. Understand your "money story" so you don't get angry - or get taken. This...

Divorcing an Addicted Spouse

Planning to divorce an addicted spouse? This podcast addresses addiction itself including what it is and its tell-tale signs. Learn from a former addict turned...

What Actually Happens to Your Debt After Divorce

Finances are the leading cause of stress in a relationship, and disagreements over debt—accumulating it, managing it, and getting it paid off—can lead to divorce....

Housing and Healthcare Options

Find out what you need to know to make smart financial decisions about housing and healthcare as you prepare for divorce. Listen to this episode: ABOUT OUR GUESTS...

Join a growing community of loving parents and busy professionals, all seeking guidance to be our best selves through divorce and beyond. We care about our families, our finances, AND keeping the peace.

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