The Healthy Divorce

A blogcast to help you find your way back to healthy and whole. 

How to Reclaim Your Power

Shannon McGorry had no idea she gave away her power as a wife and mother until her divorce awakened her soul. Listen to her breakthrough story of how Shannon...

How Your Child REALLY Feels about Your Divorce

Ever wondered what is actually happening in your child's heart and mind around your divorce? Is it total blame? Sheer hurt? Borderline trauma? Or maybe none of the...

The One Thing Holding You Back

Nearly 20 years ago, Raphael Cushnir's marriage fell apart due to addiction and infidelity. Yet despite profound grief, his heart opened as he discovered that...

Dis-Solving Conflict from Within

At 15 years old, Henry Yampolsky immigrated from Ukraine to the working class town of Scranton, PA. The struggle to learn English and belong led him on a magical...

How to Create the Life You Want After Divorce

Dr. Joyce Fine's divorce was amicable for 5 years until things hit a snag when a new relationship was introduced. Compelled by her experience, she now helps men and...

Join a growing community of loving parents and busy professionals, all seeking guidance to be our best selves through divorce and beyond. We care about our families, our finances, AND keeping the peace.

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