The Healthy Divorce

A blogcast to help you find your way back to healthy and whole. 

Cris Pastore, Main Line Family Law Center

Recent Posts

Divorce Mediation in PA: How to Approach Your Mediation

With divorce mediation firmly taking hold as one of the best optionsavailable for separation and divorce, many books, articles, blogs and manuals are now being...

Healthy Divorce: How to Avoid a Nasty Divorce

According to prominent New York divorce attorney, Lubov Stark, personal egos are the biggest reason why spouses are unable to have an amicable divorce, and if they...

Alimony in PA in 2023: Definitive Guide to the Biggest Sticking Points

After receiving so many questions about alimony from current or prospective clients, I felt the need to clear the confusion regarding a spouse's entitlement to...

Get Ready for Divorce Mediation - A Complete 30-Item Checklist

Divorce mediation requires complete and full disclosure of all information from both spouses in order to be successful. In complex marital estates with many assets...

"Legal Separation" in PA: The Great Myth

I am always amazed at the number of clients who ask me how they can get a legal separation in Pennsylvania. While a contract for a separation through a private...

Join a growing community of loving parents and busy professionals, all seeking guidance to be our best selves through divorce and beyond. We care about our families, our finances, AND keeping the peace.

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